Monthly Archives: November 2022

  1. Want to Drive a Boat? Follow These Steps to Get Your Boating License

    How to Get a Boater's License

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    If you want to legally operate a boat, the requirements for a boater's license varies from state to state. Our Bakers Marine guide to boating licenses will help you through it. First, only one state (Alabama) offers an actual boat license.

    A boating license or boater's license are terms used to describe a boating safety certificate offered by some states, or a boater education card issued by other states.

    A boater education card proves that you completed your state's official boating safety course.

    State by State
    Boating licensing requirements are different from state to state. All U.S. states require boater education, with the exception of Alaska, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, Arizona, Arkansas and Maine.

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    In California, the California Department of Boating and Waterway requires boaters of specific ages to have a California Vessel Operator Card, or CVOC. In 2021, people 40 years old or younger were required to have a CVOC.
    By 2025, all people (regardless of age) will need a CVOC to operate a boat on California waters.

    In Texas, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is in charge of boater licensing, i.e., boating education cards. Boater education requirements in Texas affect all boaters born on or after Sept. 1, 1993. Completion of a Texas Parks and Wildlife-certified boater education course is recommended for older

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  2. Tips for Launching a Boat by Yourself

    Launching a Boat by Yourself
    At Bakes Marine, we've spent more than 30 years guiding folks on all things boats - including how to launch a boat by yourself. It takes lots of practice getting your boat onto a trailer, and then practicing driving a trailer with a boat on it before you reach the water.

    You'll have to have the right boat and equipment, and a pre-selected spot you know will make a good launch site.

    Pre-Launch Necessities
    First, if you're launching a boat from a trailer, get everything in your boat before you reach the point of putting your boat in the water. Second, make sure everything on your boat works well before your solo boat launch.

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    Perform your equipment and safety tests; make sure you're up to date on your regular maintenance and safety checks. Are your buoys, boat fenders and ropes in position?

    Have you practiced driving a vehicle with a boat on a trailer, whether you're headed for a lake or not? Is the boat plug in position (very important!)?

    Solo Boat Launch Steps

    If you're at a crowded dock or other boat launch spot, don't pay attention; focus on what you have to do to safely get your boat in the water. You'll want to back your trailer to the edge of the water, and then secure your vehicle's position by checking those parking brakes - twice.

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    The dock line that you bring along is what will guide your vessel into the water. Tie the dock line to your truck. Remove the boat tie-downs from the trailer. If you don't have waterproof trailer

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